01529 304273 - [email protected]
I am sorry to hear about your dog’s illness but very pleased to hear he is now back home. Pancreatitis is a nasty illness that can be caused by many different things, and often – try as we might – the underlying cause can be difficult to identify.
Unfortunately some dogs do seem to suffer recurrent bouts of pancreatic –although they can vary in their severity – and it will be important your vet keeps a regular check on your dog’s progress and that you pay attention to any inappetence, vomiting or other possible signs of a sore tummy. As a general rule, diet is very important in reducing your dog’s risk of a future episode. Make sure he does not get overweight, and even if he is slim, maintain him on a low fat diet as increased levels of fat can be a trigger for pancreatitis. Your vet can advise you on a suitable long term food, but remember that it is also a case of being cruel to be kind. Don’t be tempted to spoil your dog with your leftovers, of extra snacks and treats – even if they are designed for dogs. Sticking to a fairly bland and regular food is important in keeping your dog symptom free. As in many illnesses, maintaining a generally healthy and happy lifestyle is also important.